Today I'm really just wanting to clear the air. Well I suppose that's the best way to put it! I'm really just needing to tell you where I have been and why I haven't been blogging.
For the past wee while I really haven't been blogging because it's been really hectic and I've needed a break, life has been really busy and sometimes it's best to come away from the things that stress you out. I'm not going to lie, I lost the love of blogging but I miss it now and feel it's time to come back and see if I really do want to blog again.
Most of the problem is that I often write the blogs, save them as drafts and don't actually share them because I'm not sure if you guys would like them... so please let me know what yous would like to see!!!
Let's hope I stick to blogging, a new post will be up soon!!
Bye for now,
C xx